17 Common Words That Stump Adults But Not Spelling Bee Champions

The Scripps National Spelling Bee, a tradition since 1925, continues to showcase young academics’ ability to spell incredibly difficult words.

This annual event often leaves adults feeling intellectually humbled, prompting reflection on common spelling errors in everyday life.

Professionals who work with words regularly have identified several words that frequently cause spelling troubles for adults. These include:

Experts note that while spell-check and autocorrect have reduced some spelling errors, they’ve also led to new challenges in word usage and understanding.

They also point out that spelling itself is a relatively recent invention, and even great writers like Shakespeare struggled with consistent spelling.

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Reid Niles
Reid Niles

Reid Niles is a seasoned editor with a Master’s degree in Journalism. With a rich career spanning of a decade, John has honed his skills in delivering top-quality news content. Outside of his professional life, he enjoys cooking gourmet meals and spending quality time with his beloved pet dog.

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